Indian Trade Hub - Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions of Indian Trade Hub is answered here as per the user reviews and comments.

1. Can I post and publish my business without registering in this ITH?

No, You need to register and verify yourself through email and activate. Then log in to this ITH portal and then you shall post your business or services with one image, one website Address and your Phone and WhatsApp Numbers. This lets others call you directly to deal with your business.

2. What if I need a new feature for posting?

You shall suggest us, through the contact page. Or just leave a WhatsApp to +91-9994818463. Some of our Executive will assist you. Note - This number is a helpline for our AOS Office. So you may also find some other business or service links. 

3. Why my business posting is not visible. ?

One admin has to approve every business posting. Then only it will be visible in category pages.

4. What is the best image size to upload in my business posting?

500x300 size is the best image for business posting. But even if you upload any size of image, when a user clicks it a separate window will open to see your clear images.

5. How many images or banners I can upload in my business posting?

You shall upload up to 3 best images.